Michelangelo /

Murray, Linda

Michelangelo / Linda Murray. - London : Thames & Hudson, 1980. - 216 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm. - World of art .

Includes bibliographical references (page 208) and index.

Early works -- The Sistine Ceiling -- Rome and Florence, 1513-34. The Julius Tomb, the San Lorenzo Façade, the Medici Chapel, the Biblioteca Laurenziana -- The Last Judgment, the presentation drawings, the completion of the Julius Tomb, the Cappella Paolina -- Michelangelo's architecture -- The sonnets. The last drawings and sculptures -- Aftermath.

Contemporaries saw Michelangelo as the greatest artist of all times, recognizing in his creations an inspiration more divine than human. Today our appreciation of Michelangelo's sublime vision, and of his matchless gifts as sculptor, painter, architect and poet, has been strengthened and enriched by the perspective of four centuries. And Michelangelo himself has become the archetype of genius--dedicated, solitary, single-minded, tormented, harassed, unsatisfied and undefeated. In this lucid and authoritative survey, Linda Murray explores the political and religious context of his career, the recurring themes in the work, and the complex symbolism and iconography of his greatest masterpieces.

9780500201749 9780500181751 9780195201635 9780195201642

Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1475-1564