Die Pflanzenwelt des Naumburger Meisters : Gärten aus Stein /

Die Pflanzenwelt des Naumburger Meisters : Gärten aus Stein / Günther Donath, Frank Richter ; Mit einem Beitrag von Holger Kunde. - Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, 2015. - 272 pages : colour illustrations ; 30 cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

The medieval cathedral is a world of images: in addition to the supernatural light, there are sculptures and the skyward pillars with their chiselled ornaments, which occupy an important place - even in normally not immediately visible places. Anyone who built or designed in stone did so for centuries, wanted to create works that, many generations later, would bear witness to their deep faith but also their own power and importance. The architecture of the choir buildings of the Naumburg and the Meissen Cathedral are characterized by the creative power of the sculptures of the Naumburg master. Their work should be mentioned in this book, especially the rich treasure of the sculptural decoration of plant representations, we meet in the two cathedrals. Knowledge of the authors and the clients, the workshops, the metallurgical industry and the material used also flows into the contemplative examination of nature's incredibly realistic sculptures. Finally, one senses that the plant representations are a praise to the Creator God and the promise of salvation certainty to all people. The 'Gardens of Stone' thus become a stone proclamation of eternal truth. the building industry and the material used. Finally, one senses that the plant representations are a praise to the Creator God and the promise of salvation certainty to all people. The 'Gardens of Stone' thus become a stone proclamation of eternal truth. the building industry and the material used

Text in German.

9783731903154 3731903156

Naumburger Meister active 13th century

Dom zu Meissen (Meissen, Saxony, Germany)

Plants in architecture
Decoration and ornament, Medieval
Decoration and ornament, German
Stone carving, German