How do you want to be remembered? : the art of remembering : 30 years of Memorials by Artists.

How do you want to be remembered? : the art of remembering : 30 years of Memorials by Artists. - Snape, Suffolk : Lettering & Commemorative Arts Trust, 2018. - 64 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 30 cm.

This publication was produced in conjunction with the exhibition ‘How do you want to be remembered?’ which celebrates 30 years of individual memorial commissions since our commissioning service, Memorials by Artists, was founded in 1998. The main content of the exhibition is reproduced here and consists of drawings and photos of one or more representative commissions from each year, usually including text from the client which throws light on the genesis of the job. The cumulative effect of these texts is to highlight how the emotional significance of the works, to the clients and to others, is as valuable as their visual quality and inventiveness.


Memorials by Artists (Organization)

Sepulchral monuments