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INTRODUCTION -- THE INTIMACY OF TRANSLATION. The politics of translation, 1993 / Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak -- The translator's invisibility, 1995 / Lawrence Venuti -- The struggle for the style, 2002 / José María Arguedas -- On translation, 1985 / Miyó Vestrini -- Khhhhhhh, 2012 / Slavs and Tatars -- The task of the translator, 1921 / Walter Benjamin -- Representation, 1997 / Stuart Hall -- Translating dissent, 2016 / Philip Rizk -- How to translate ourselves, 2017-19 / Christian Nyampeta -- A letter to the translator, 2018 / Jesse Darling -- The world I live in, 1910 / Helen Keller -- In my language, 2007 / Amanda Baggs -- DECOLONISING LANGUAGE. The negro and language, 1952 / Frantz Fanon -- If Black English isn't a language, then tell me, what is?, 1979 / James Baldwin -- The burning of paper instead of children, 1971 / Adrienne Rich -- Teaching new worlds/new words, 1994 / bell hooks -- Painting, language, and signifying in the work of Glenn Ligon, 2011 / Okwui Enwezor -- The gift of the past, 2011 / Susan Buck-Morss -- Tropicália, 1968 / Hélio Oiticica -- Against Latin American art, 2010 / Gerardo Mosquera -- Thinking otherwise, 2013 / Jean Fisher -- Performance and language diversity in a globalising world, 2013 / Moradewun Adejunmobi -- DISPLACEMENT AND DIASPORA. Dictee, 2001 / Theresa Hak Kyung Cha -- We refugees, 1943 / Hannah Arendt -- We have forgotten speech, 1986 / Irena Klepfisz -- Art in exile, 2010 / Shirin Neshat -- The Palestinian state of emergency and the art practice of Emily Jacir, 2013 / Stephen Morton -- International migrant manifesto, 2011 / IM International/Tania Bruguera -- Travelling languages, 2008 / Paolo Bartoloni -- For Ama. For Aba. For Charlotte and Adjoa, 2017 / Barby Asante -- Yoruba: in bed with Derrida, 1997 / Yinka Shonibare -- Search for my tongue, 1988 / Sujata Bhatt -- The space between languages, 2012 / Herta Müller -- Mother tongue, 2012 / Danh Vō -- Stazione, 2009 / Emily Jacir -- CONSTRUCTING AND BECOMING. Linguistic terrorism, 1987 / Gloria Anzaldúa -- Patriotism and its futures, 1993 / Arjun Appadurai -- The insoluble sediment of translation, 2009 / Dmitri Vilensky -- What is a minor literature?, 1986 / Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari -- Ö (The mutual letter), 2011 / Meriç Algün -- In conversation with Jacob Fabricius, 2013 / Meriç Algün -- In conversation with Diana d'Arenberg, 2016 / Wu Tsang -- Taus Makhacheva, 2016 / Kate Sutton -- The language of those who know, 1994 / Alice Becker-Ho -- The Polari Bible, 2015 / Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence -- Polari: The lost language of gay men, 2002 / Paul Baker -- Territory: Universe (Translexical Opacity), 2019 / Wong Bing Hao -- Symbol sourcebook, 1984 / Henry Dreyfuss -- On book from the ground, 2012 / Xu Bing -- Pidgin interrupted, 2002 / Erika Tan -- THE UNTRANSLATABLE. Finnegans Wake, 1939 / James Joyce -- Perfidious fidelity: the untranslatability of the other, 1994 / Sarat Maharaj -- Modernity and difference, 2001 / Stuart Hall -- The tower of Babel, c. 950 BC/2009 / The Holy Bible -- Des tours de Babel, 1985 / Jacques Derrida -- The dictionary of untranslatables, 2014 / Barbara Cassin -- Prisoner of love, 1986 / Jean Genet -- Other than myself/My other self, 1998 / Trinh T. Minh-ha -- Lo que se pierde/What gets lost, 1978 / Alastair Reid -- Written room, 2002 / Parastou Forouhar -- After Babel, 1975 / George Steiner -- The last silent movie, 2008 / Susan Hiller -- Against ordinary language, 1993 / Kathy Acker -- I think that here I have heard my own voice, 2009 / Katarina Zdjelar -- Joseph Grigely, 1995 / Dana Friis-Hansen -- TRANSFERENCE AND TRANSFORMATION. The language of things, 2006 / Hito Steyerl -- Letter to Raoul Hausmann, 1940 / Kurt Schwitters -- Kurt Schwitters in England, 1958 / Stefan Themerson -- The tree from the neighbouring courtyard, 2009 / Geta Brătescu -- Trisha Brown's notations, 2012 / Susan Rosenberg -- On Life in the folds by Carlos Amorales, 2017 / Humberto Beck -- Typotranslation, 2000 / Rick Poynor -- In conversation with Sophie J. Williamson, 2019 / Jennifer Tee -- Universal meaning, 1979 / Stephen Willats -- The radicant, 2010 / Nicolas Bourriaud -- Pratchaya Phinthong, 2011 / Barbara Casavecchia -- Section 139: The Atlas Group, 2014 / Walid Raad -- And yet my mask is powerful, 2016 / Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme -- SPEAKING GLOBALLY. The manifesto of the Communist Party, 1848 / Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels -- Karl Marx and world literature, 1978 / S.S. Prawer -- Can the subaltern speak German?, 2002 / Hito Steyerl -- In conversation with Naeem Mohaiemen, 2006 / Shahidul Alam -- Is Balkan art history global?, 2007 / Suzanna Milevska -- Footwriting, 1984 / Mladen Stilinović -- ALPHABETIZATION: Hegemonic language and arbitrary order, 2009 / Luis Camnitzer -- International art English, 2012 / Alix Rule and David Levine -- English and all that, 2013 / Martha Rosler -- Taxonomy and power, 2016 / Camille Henrot -- Language & technology in Ryan Trecartin's movies, 2014 / Brian Droitcour -- Refrains of the 'Internationale', 2000 / Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri -- Translation and the schematism of bordering, 2009 / Naoki Sakai -- How newness enters the world, 1994 / Homi K. Bhabha -- Competing universalities, 2000 / Judith Butler -- Moments of clarity, 2016 / Omar Robert Hamilton. |