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Valie Export : Zeit und Gegenzeit = Time and countertime / herausgegeben von Agnes Husslein-Arco, Angelika Nollert und Stella Rollig.

Contributor(s): Publication details: Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, 2010.Description: 303 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 33 cmISBN:
  • 9783865608741
  • 3865608744
Zeit und Gegenzeit = Time and countertime / Angelika Nollert -- Für uns alle : Valie Exports film- und Videoarbetien = To us all : Valie Export's film and video works / Berta Sichel -- Valie Export : Zeichnungen = drawings / Brigitte Reutner -- Voice on-and-off : zu Praxis und Diskurs der Performance in Valie Exports Werk = Voice on-and-off : on the practice and discourse of performance in Valie Export's work / Sabeth Buchmann -- Mediale Heterogenität im kulturellen Raum : Valie Exports anagrammatische Skulpturen = Media heterogeneity in cultural space : Valie Export's anagrammatic sculpture / Letizia Ragaglia -- diszipliniert undiszipliniert : Valie Exports konzeptuelle Fotografien = systematically undisciplined : Valie Export's conceptual photographs / Maren Lübbke-Tidow -- Wider die Trennwand zwischen Sprache und Bild : Relationen zwischen Titel und Werk im Œuvre von Valie Export = Against the division between language and image : the relationship between title and work in the oeuvre of Valie Export / Johanna Schwanberg -- Die erweiterte Geschichte der Dinge : zum Archiv von Valie Export = The extended story of things : on the archive of Valie Export / Yilmaz Dziewior -- Wo das Konzeptuelle das Reale berührt : der Raum ist das Territorium bedeutender Kämpfe = Where the conceptual meets the real : the room as territory for important battles / Elke Krasny -- "Ich bin da, wo ich 'Verschwinden' inszeniere" = "I am, where I stage 'disappearance'" / Hanne Loreck.
Summary: Published on the occasion of exhibitions held in the Belvedere, Vienna and at the Lentos Museum, Linz, Oct. 16, 2010-Jan. 30, 2011. Text in German with English translation at end. Having quickly tired of life as an editor and extra in the Austrian film industry, in 1967 Waltraud Hollinger changed her name to Valie Export and plunged into the violent and often blood-soaked world of Viennese performance art and the extremist "Actions" of Hermann Nitsch, Gunter Brus, Otto Muhl and Rudolf Schwarzkogler. Like them, Export subjected her body to pain, but where their work was inevitably drawn towards a religious idea of catharsis, Export politicized the inscription of women's bodies in terms of media representation, declaring her project as explicitly feminist. Export soon turned to video to record her performances and began to remove her person from her work, as in her now-famous 1971 video "Facing a Family." Today, across more than four decades of activity, Export has built a large and rigorous oeuvre comprising performance, photography, film and media installations. This volume surveys her career. Contents: Zeit und Gegenzeit = Time and countertime / Angelika Nollert -- Fur uns alle : Valie Exports film- und Videoarbetien = To us all : Valie Export's film and video works / Berta Sichel -- Valie Export : Zeichnungen = drawings / Brigitte Reutner -- Voice on-and-off : zu Praxis und Diskurs der Performance in Valie Exports Werk = Voice on-and-off : on the practice and discourse of performance in Valie Export's work / Sabeth Buchmann -- Mediale Heterogenitat im kulturellen Raum : Valie Exports anagrammatische Skulpturen = Media heterogeneity in cultural space : Valie Export's anagrammatic sculpture / Letizia Ragaglia -- diszipliniert undiszipliniert : Valie Exports konzeptuelle Fotografien = systematically undisciplined : Valie Export's conceptual photographs / Maren Lubbke-Tidow -- Wider die Trennwand zwischen Sprache und Bild : Relationen zwischen Titel und Werk im uvre von Valie Export = Against the division between language and image : the relationship between title and work in the oeuvre of Valie Export / Johanna Schwanberg -- Die erweiterte Geschichte der Dinge : zum Archiv von Valie Export = The extended story of things : on the archive of Valie Export / Yilmaz Dziewior -- Wo das Konzeptuelle das Reale beruhrt : der Raum ist das Territorium bedeutender Kampfe = Where the conceptual meets the real : the room as territory for important battles / Elke Krasny -- "Ich bin da, wo ich 'Verschwinden' inszeniere" = "I am, where I stage 'disappearance'" / Hanne Loreck

Catalog of exhibitions held in the Belvedere, Vienna and at the Lentos Museum, Linz, Oct. 16, 2010-Jan. 30, 2011.

Includes bibliographical references.

Zeit und Gegenzeit = Time and countertime / Angelika Nollert -- Für uns alle : Valie Exports film- und Videoarbetien = To us all : Valie Export's film and video works / Berta Sichel -- Valie Export : Zeichnungen = drawings / Brigitte Reutner -- Voice on-and-off : zu Praxis und Diskurs der Performance in Valie Exports Werk = Voice on-and-off : on the practice and discourse of performance in Valie Export's work / Sabeth Buchmann -- Mediale Heterogenität im kulturellen Raum : Valie Exports anagrammatische Skulpturen = Media heterogeneity in cultural space : Valie Export's anagrammatic sculpture / Letizia Ragaglia -- diszipliniert undiszipliniert : Valie Exports konzeptuelle Fotografien = systematically undisciplined : Valie Export's conceptual photographs / Maren Lübbke-Tidow -- Wider die Trennwand zwischen Sprache und Bild : Relationen zwischen Titel und Werk im Œuvre von Valie Export = Against the division between language and image : the relationship between title and work in the oeuvre of Valie Export / Johanna Schwanberg -- Die erweiterte Geschichte der Dinge : zum Archiv von Valie Export = The extended story of things : on the archive of Valie Export / Yilmaz Dziewior -- Wo das Konzeptuelle das Reale berührt : der Raum ist das Territorium bedeutender Kämpfe = Where the conceptual meets the real : the room as territory for important battles / Elke Krasny -- "Ich bin da, wo ich 'Verschwinden' inszeniere" = "I am, where I stage 'disappearance'" / Hanne Loreck.

Published on the occasion of exhibitions held in the Belvedere, Vienna and at the Lentos Museum, Linz, Oct. 16, 2010-Jan. 30, 2011. Text in German with English translation at end. Having quickly tired of life as an editor and extra in the Austrian film industry, in 1967 Waltraud Hollinger changed her name to Valie Export and plunged into the violent and often blood-soaked world of Viennese performance art and the extremist "Actions" of Hermann Nitsch, Gunter Brus, Otto Muhl and Rudolf Schwarzkogler. Like them, Export subjected her body to pain, but where their work was inevitably drawn towards a religious idea of catharsis, Export politicized the inscription of women's bodies in terms of media representation, declaring her project as explicitly feminist. Export soon turned to video to record her performances and began to remove her person from her work, as in her now-famous 1971 video "Facing a Family." Today, across more than four decades of activity, Export has built a large and rigorous oeuvre comprising performance, photography, film and media installations. This volume surveys her career. Contents: Zeit und Gegenzeit = Time and countertime / Angelika Nollert -- Fur uns alle : Valie Exports film- und Videoarbetien = To us all : Valie Export's film and video works / Berta Sichel -- Valie Export : Zeichnungen = drawings / Brigitte Reutner -- Voice on-and-off : zu Praxis und Diskurs der Performance in Valie Exports Werk = Voice on-and-off : on the practice and discourse of performance in Valie Export's work / Sabeth Buchmann -- Mediale Heterogenitat im kulturellen Raum : Valie Exports anagrammatische Skulpturen = Media heterogeneity in cultural space : Valie Export's anagrammatic sculpture / Letizia Ragaglia -- diszipliniert undiszipliniert : Valie Exports konzeptuelle Fotografien = systematically undisciplined : Valie Export's conceptual photographs / Maren Lubbke-Tidow -- Wider die Trennwand zwischen Sprache und Bild : Relationen zwischen Titel und Werk im uvre von Valie Export = Against the division between language and image : the relationship between title and work in the oeuvre of Valie Export / Johanna Schwanberg -- Die erweiterte Geschichte der Dinge : zum Archiv von Valie Export = The extended story of things : on the archive of Valie Export / Yilmaz Dziewior -- Wo das Konzeptuelle das Reale beruhrt : der Raum ist das Territorium bedeutender Kampfe = Where the conceptual meets the real : the room as territory for important battles / Elke Krasny -- "Ich bin da, wo ich 'Verschwinden' inszeniere" = "I am, where I stage 'disappearance'" / Hanne Loreck

Text in German with English translation at end.