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The siege of caerlaverock 01/01/1960 12:49:21 Heraldry Society
Availability: Items available for reference: CGLAS Library: Pamphlets are reference only - NOT FOR LOAN (1)Location, call number: Pamphlets - Ask at Library desk 745.66 SCO.
Botticelli 01/01/1960 11:58:50 Oldbourne Press
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: Monographs Room BOT.
Henry moore: sculpture 1950-1960: whitechapel art gallery, november - december 1960 01/11/1960 14:48:38 Whitechapel Art Gallery
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: Monographs Room MOO.
Rembrandt : paintings, drawings, and etchings ; the three early biographies / catalogue and notes by Ludwig Goldscheider. by
Publication details: London : Phaidon Press, 1960
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: Monographs Room REM.
Catalogue of the Tiepolo drawings in the Victoria and Albert Museum / by George Knox. by
Publication details: London : H.M.S.O., 1960
Availability: Not available: CGLAS Library: Checked out (1).
Amazon cover image
Image from
Buckinghamshire by Nikolaus Pevsner by Series: The buildings of England
Publication details: Harmondsworth Penguin 1960
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: 720.9425 PEV.
Amazon cover image
Image from
Greek sculpture 01/01/1960 15:19:09 Harry N. Abrams, Inc
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: 733 LUL.
Amazon cover image
Image from
Methods and materials of painting of the great schools and masters / by Sir Charles Lock Eastlake. by
Publication details: New York : Dover, 1960
Other title:
  • Materials for a history of oil painting
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (2)Location, call number: 751.4 EAS, ...
The Care And Repair Of Books 01/01/1960 16:42:22 R.R. Bowker
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: 025.8 MIL.
The Nature Of The Chemical Bond And The Structure Of Molecules And Crystals: An Introduction To Modern Structural Chemistry Series:
Edition: 3rd ed.
01/01/1960 13:26:35 Cornell University Press
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: 541.3 PAU.
Romantic Art 01/01/1960 14:39:52 Thames & Hudson
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: 709.0342 BRI.
Photographs Of Ancient Rome 01/01/1960 11:49:52 Longman
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: 709.37 ROM.
Vitruvius: The Ten Books On Architecture 01/01/1960 11:07:41 Dover Publications Inc.
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: 720 VIT.
The Stones Of Venice 01/01/1960 11:00:17 Collins
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: 720.94531 RUS.
Theory And Design In The First Machine Age 01/01/1960 12:36:32 Architectural Press
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: 724.6 BAN.
New Housing In Great Britain 01/01/1960 13:14:47 Alec Tiranti
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: 728.0941 BRU.
Chas Addams' Black Maria 01/01/1960 14:43:12 Hamish Hamilton
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: 741.56 ADD.
The Fashionable Lady In The 19th Century 01/01/1960 12:00:13 V & A Publishing
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: 746.920903 GIB.
Painting In England, 1500-1870 01/01/1960 10:47:40 The Book Society
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: 759.2 PIP.
Cherry-blossoms: Japanese Haiku Series Iii 01/01/1960 15:56:39 Peter Pauper Press
Availability: Items available for loan: CGLAS Library (1)Location, call number: 895.61 MAT.